Visit Our Forest Lawn Bottle Depot In Calgary For The Best Prices

 There is no doubt about it - bottle drives are a great way to return your empties, save the environment, and pocket some cash. All at the same time! It gives people a need to save their recycling, as well as make it fun. 

Although there are so many great benefits of taking your recyclables to a north east bottle depot, it can be a hassle. From having to wash the recyclable materials, to drying them, to putting them in the bin, to taking them to the depot - it can feel tough! That being said, it is always worth it to recycle. Visit our first lawn bottle depot in Calgary for the best prices, and for great service! 

Here are some of the best reasons to bring your recyclable materials to a bottle depot in Forest Lawn: 

  1. The environmental benefit: Bottles, cans, tetra-paks, glass, and bi-metal are all items you can bring to your bottle depot in forest lawn. These are also all usable materials that need to be kept out of landfill as they can be reused or repurposed. By sorting your recyclables and returning them to a bottle depot (for a refund!), you are reducing waste by repurposing what we have already used. Additionally, plastic can be repurposed into more than just containers. Clothing, carpets, even medical equipment is being made out of used plastics! Instead of having your recyclable material go into landfill, or even worse, the ocean – use a north-east bottle depot!

  1. The community impact: Returning your bottles to a local bottle depot is a great way to inspire the community, as well as build sustainability throughout the neighbourhood. Inspiring others to be environmentally focused is easy, especially when you are too! By bringing your bottles into a north east bottle depot, you are driving up the need for additional resources. This means a new bottle depot in your local area, with more jobs for others in the community. This can in turn increase the value of your area/community, and bring up the vibe! A neighbourhood or municipality that recycles properly is a neighbourhood anyone would want to live in!

  1. It can be fun: Recycling doesn’t always have to be a mundane task! There can be tons of fun ways to make recycling a part of your daily routine. This also means making it fun for other family members. Here are some great ways to make your family excited to recycle: 

    1. Start a community bottle drive: Getting the neighbourhood involved in recycling is a fun way to give back to the environment! Make some signs, get your neighbours involved, and bring your empties to a bottle depot in Forest Lawn! 

    2. Hold a contest: Have a recycling contest. The more recyclables people bring in for the north east bottle depot, the more raffle tickets they get!

    3. Get the kids in on it: Kids can get excited to recycle if you involve them. This could mean making signs, or getting them to  help count empties.


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