Bottle Recycling in Calgary


Bottle recycling is a very important action that every Calgarian should participate in. Ensuring your bottles get recycled means that you keep additional waste out of landfills, keep our city cleaner and help to support environmental sustainability by reducing the energy and materials used in the process of creating new bottles and cans. 

When you recycle your bottles and cans, people have the option of returning them to the bottle depot themselves, choosing bottle Depot recycling pick up services or to donate their bottles to a bottle drive. All of these options contribute effectively to a clean and healthy city so they are all winning options. The difference is really whether you want to take the time and money to complete the chore yourself, or if you’d like to arrange for the bottle depot to pick up your bottles or to donate them to a non-profit or charity of your choice.

The best bottle depots will offer pick up services that do not cost you any fees or reduce the amount per bottle that you get. They will also send you your refund directly or donate your bottle recycling refund to the non-profit of your choice on your behalf without you needing to do anything at all - and you get a tax receipt too!

Bottle recycling is intentionally made as easy as possible. Bottles are an easy thing to keep off our streets, but are also one of the most commonly littered items. By using the deposit and refund system, Calgary is able to ensure that each Calgarian sees the value in getting their bottle recycling back to the depots for recycling. There is money to be returned to each person, or a potential profit to be had for those who collect bottles they did not pay the refund for. Actually, for many businesses, commercial buildings and venues, rather than have a cost to pay for someone to collect their bottle recycling, they can have their bottles Drive picked up for free AND receive their refund. This makes bottle recycling a potential revenue stream rather than a budget line item. For large buildings or venues, this can equate to a large amount of profit across a full year. 

Find a great depot with lots of options to suit your bottle recycling needs and it can become a very simple process that ensures you get back your refund or helps to support a new revenue stream for your company. 


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